Family Engagement (Title I Information)

Family Engagement Liaison

Family Engagement Liaison

Brittany Clark


School Events

3/3-3/7 - Read Across America Week!

3/6 - Spring Read-Nic (Must RSVP)

3/12 - Voices with a vision- Parent Meeting

3/15 - PBIS Celebration

3/19 - Report Cards go Home,

3/21 - TES Spirit Day

3/24 - Spring Pictures

3/27- TES Talent Show and PBIS Celebration, 3/28 Students Holiday, 3/31-4/5 - Spring Break
Tucker Elementary welcomes you into our school for many different occasions like volunteering, parent-teacher conferences, and school events. Our school hosts several events throughout the year at different times to build strong family engagement. Your student's Thursday Folder, the school website, Facebook page, and the school marquis will have the most current information about events and ways to get engaged.

Tips for Families

 - Visit Our PARENT RESOURCE CENTER - Our Parent Resource Center is located in the main office at the front counter. We have academic information for all grade levels as well as information on parenting, Infinite Campus, upcoming events and Title I. Stop by and pick something up any day between 7:45 am and 3:00 pm.

Be A VOLUNTEER - We welcome and encourage family involvement. There are many ways for families to give of their time and talents. Contact our Family Engagement Liaison for more information.

All volunteers working with students are required to have a background check on file with the Houston County School District and receive volunteer training at our school. Background checks are good for five years and are good at any school in the county. If you aren’t sure of your clearance status, our Family Engagement Coordinator will be happy to check for you. Background Check Applications are available in the front office.

Family Resource Center

Parent Resource Center
Tucker families are welcome to visit our Parent Resource Center in the front office of the school.  You will find resources, pamphlets, and information to stay informed.  The Resource Center is open during school hours from 7:45am - 4:00pm Monday-Friday.

Video Resources

More About Title I

Tucker Elementary is a Title I School. We are eligible for Title I funding based on our percentage of students eligible for free and reduced lunch. This means we receive additional federal funds for the purpose of improving teaching and learning for students. All students in our school benefit from these funds. Title I requires that these funds be used for programs that will improve student achievement and include ways to help families help their children to succeed (family engagement). All Title I schools must include stakeholder (family, teacher, student) input in the development of a written Family Engagement policy.

Tucker Elementary hosts activities throughout the year to build strong family engagement which supports a partnership among the school, families and the community to improve student academic achievement. We believe that family engagement is the participation of families in all areas of their children’s education and development, recognizing that families are the primary influence in their children’s lives. Check the school's social media pages, the school sign, newsletters and call-outs for the most current information on school events.

Family Action Team

We welcome your input, including comments and feedback, on our school and our programs at any time during the year. Please contact the Family Engagement Liaison to share your thoughts and ideas.

We invite all families to be part of our Action Team to share ideas and help build partnerships with school, families and the community. The Team works with our staff to develop our yearly family activities and Title I documents such as the Family Engagement Plan and School-Parent Compact.

We meet twice a year, but ideas and suggestions are always welcome. Stay tuned to media postings, school calendar and/or newsletters for dates and times of these meetings.

If you would like to learn more, please contact the Family Engagement Liaison.


We value your feedback!  Click here to provide the District with input, suggestions, and feedback on how your child and family can be better supported.