Media Committee
Welcome to the Media Center at Tucker Elementary
Media Center Staff
Mrs. Kelly Sapp, Media Specialist
Hours of Operation
The Media Center is open each school day from 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m
The Media Center is an integral part of the education process at Tucker Elementary School. In compliance with all local and state standards, the Media Center serves as a fundamental resource to instruct, stimulate and foster individual growth and to promote individual quests for knowledge and enrichment. The Media Center, its resources, and its staff offer a broad base of information to meet the needs of a variety of learners. The Media Center provides a safe, positive and comfortable learning environment which encourages exploration of information and ideas through print and non-print materials. Further, the goal is to provide access to media materials that will enrich and support the curriculum.
The Media Center operates on an open/flexible schedule and is accessible to all students, faculty, staff and the community during the hours of operation listed above. Scheduled classes do not interfere with access to the Media Center and its resources.
Instructional Planning
Planning between Teachers and the Media Specialist is vital to the educational goals of Tucker Elementary. Teachers and the Media Specialist plan cooperative lessons so that students may use the Media Center more effectively for study and activities related to all areas of the curriculum. Additionally, planning allows teachers to make maximum use of available materials for their classroom instruction.
The Media Center has computers with access to district provided databases, GALILEO (reference and research information that can be accessed at home, as well), SAFARI (on line catalog of Tucker's collection), the internet and various programs on CD-ROM. All computers have word processing and presentation software capabilities. Students must comply with the District's Acceptable Use Policy regarding internet access.
Students in grades 3-5 may check out two books for a period of one week. Kindergarten-2 students check out one book for a period of one week. Selected reference materials may be checked out overnight.
There are no fines for overdue items. However, students will be charged for lost or damaged items at the replacement cost.
Faculty/Staff may check out as many materials as needed for professional growth, personal and/or classroom use. These materials are checked out for a period of 30 school days and may be extended upon request.
Media Committee
A committee comprised of teachers and administrators meet monthly with the Media Specialist to assess the needs of the Media Center as they apply to the curriculum, state and local standards. Additionally, the committee will assist in the selection of print and non-print materials.
Collection Development and Acquisition
Materials and equipment are purchased throughout the year as funds become available. Teacher requests are encouraged and priority is given to those requests when purchasing.
All copyright laws and Houston Country School Board policies will be followed relative to the use of materials and software in the school. More detailed information is available upon request.
Program Evaluation
One of the goals of the Media Center is to offer the highest quality of services and resources to our students, faculty and staff. To evaluate and improve the operations and resources, annual surveys may be given to the faculty, staff and students. The information from the surveys is used as a guide to indicate improvement or change.
More about me!
My name is Kelly Sapp. I am a certified teacher. I have taught every grade from Kindergarten-8th grade. I am married with 3 sons and a daughter. I have a Bachelors in Elementary, Masters in Middle School, Media Specialist certification, and a Specialist in Instructional Technology. I am excited to work with you children this year.